The sun rose while we were on our way.

It was cold and rainy and just plain ugly when we got there. The kids were bored. I finally let them start playing with the water balloons. Here's KT filling them up.
Here's Adam nailing Karlie.
Donna shows how she cuts an avocado for the carne asada.

T bbq's the sausages.****************************************************
Donna and Stacy bbq the carne asada.*****************************************
KT and I having fun with the camera.

It was so nasty outside the water was empty.

So, between the rotten weather and loud drunken people, we weren't having any fun at all and packed up and came home on Sunday. Everyone is billing it as "The Worst River Trip Ever."
We had a lot of rain too. A lot of people who live near rivers have flooded homes. I would never want to live level with a river...
We have windmills like thos south of us. We want to drive down and get some pictures this year. I've never seen them.
Boo to loud drunk people. That is why I hate camping and we have only tried going once since we got married. I felt nervous the last time and we left cuz a bunch of young people were swinging from trees and acting like idiots. It is hard to stay away from partiers nowadays which is sad cuz camping is fun and cheap!
Your flooded pool caught my eye because the the flooded river near my house. Luckily I'm on higher ground, so it's no big deal. Looks like your club house is in more danger.
But the photos look like you had a great time! Just look at those and ignore reality??!! =P
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