Monday, January 5, 2009


WEATHER: it was dry most of the week, chilly in the mornings but beautiful during the days, reaching 80 a few times.
SUNDAY SERMON: I didn't make it to church, I overslept a little bit.
LIFE LESSONS: quitting caffeine at a time with very dry Santa Ana conditions is NOT a good thing.
FAVORITE MEAL: I was really spoiled last week and didn't cook at all. I just heated up leftovers.
TREASURED MOMENTS: This was the first New Year's Eve in about 20 years that I didn't drink!!!
THINGS I READ: Pillars of the Earth, The Christian in Complete Armor
WHAT WE/I WATCHED: Dark Knight, football.
PLACES WE WENT: to the small mall, to the big mall, KT was at Jade's until Wed., AC was at Aunt P's until Wed.
BUDGET SAVERS/BUSTERS: The kids used their Christmas money wisely and got quite a few good deals on clothes.
BLESSINGS: My kids behaved great! The few days of quiet time I got without them. Getting them back.
CHALLENGES: trying to quit caffeine
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: I didn't drink on New Year's Eve
FAMILY HAPPENINGS: The kids were both gone until Wed so I pretty much did nothing but undecorate the first 2 days of the week. We went to the big mall, Ontario Mills on Sat, just the 3 of us and had a lot of fun.
#175; 12/30/2008--the coolest tshirt EVER!
#176; 12/31/2008--my alma mater
#177; 1/1/2009

#178; 1/2/2009--Brutus sucking and kneading on his santa
179; 1/3/2009--the kids watching the Hannah Montana 3D Concert

#180; 1/4/2008--Maple Sour Cream pancakes (recipe on my recipe blog)
#181; 1/5/2009--he was such an angel (he's going to kill me for this)



Anonymous said...

That seriously is a cool T-shirt. I'd have to fight my son for it.

My alma matter has expanded and renovated so much I hardly recognize it anymore.

Dawn said...

You rock for not drinking on New Years Eve. You probably had a great time too. My family had so much fun playing games, and not an ounce of alcohol was consumed. :-)

Unknown said...

I didn't drink on NYE either; although for different reasons I'm sure.

Jen said...

Go Diane!!!

CrossView said...

You've quit caffeine, too??!! Sheesh, woman! You're killing ME! Awesome and impressive.... =D

Heating up leftovers is my favorite kind of cooking. ;o)

We watched The Dark Knight on New Year's Eve....

As usual, love the photos! LOL!