Monday, September 15, 2008


WEATHER: beautiful!!! Upper 80's most of the week.
SUNDAY SERMON: Pastor Greg spoke on how God uses circumstances, good or bad, to bring glory to Himself and to bring us closer to Him.
LIFE LESSONS: I don't have to be busy all my waking hours. It's ok to slow down sometimes.
TREASURED MOMENTS: AC's first football game; seeing Johnny and Marty at church.
TALKED WITH: mom, dad, Johnny and Marty
THINGS I READ: No Wonder They Call Him the Savior; Rhett Butler's People; Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
WHAT WE WATCHED: football, America's Next Top Model (me and KT), Intervention (me)
PLACES WE WENT: AC's game, taco night, I went to church, took KT to the dr.
BUDGET SAVERS/BUSTERS: saver: got a rebate check from AT & T
BLESSINGS: enjoyed slowing down my schedule, T got a new job, seeing Johnny and Marty
CHALLENGES: slowing down
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: baked 3 loaves of quick bread for Jade's bake sale; went to church
FAMILY HAPPENINGS: KT had to go to the dr on Wed for her 2nd in a series of 3 shots. The dr also froze some things on her fingers. It hurt really really REALLY bad.
AC's first foot ball game was on Thursday.
T got a new job; he starts a week from today.
My cousin's wife, Peggy, passed away from breast cancer.
There was a horrible train accident in L.A. on Friday night. A Metrolink commuter train hit a freight train head on. It was horrific. We watched in all night long. So far there are at least 30 people dead.
After church on Sunday, I ran into one of my really good friends from high school who I haven't seen in 20 years, Marty. She told me her husband Johnny (my first boyfriend ever) was working in the parking lot. So after visiting with her I went and found Johnny. The look on his face when he realized it was me was priceless. I am sooooooo happy I got to see them and am looking forward to seeing them more.


Dawn said...

It most definitely is okay to slow down! :-)

Anonymous said...

Some of the best stuff in life happens when you slow down. But don't look at me, I'm always busy.

Jen said...

Its nice to slow things down every once in awhile :)

Toco's must be one your favorite meals lol

Unknown said...

I don't think I could have gotten any slower on my Sunday and it was wonderful! I'm glad you had a good week. Hope Katy is feeling better. LOVEYA!

CrossView said...

A rebate??!! I'd love one! Or two...

Slowing down is a great life lesson. I'm working on it, too!

Sorry to hear about Peggy... =(

But YEA! on seeing old friends!