Wednesday, June 25, 2008




sandierpastures said...

I don't know but I feel itchy all over while looking at the photos!! Happy TT.

Unknown said...

Not a big fan of bugs but these are great photos!

Mines up and and I am promoting an easy contest for my hubby, hope you will visit!

Soul Pockets said...

Great pictures. I showed them to my son and he really liked them.

Carol said...

Amazing pix! You're really good!

Jaded said...

you are so weird

Jenn said...

Beautiful photos but I am just not a fan of the creepy crawly things.

Nicole said...

Sheeshkabob! What's up with you and spiders??? Don't you know they are creepy and should only be stepped on and not photographed? ;o)

The other photos were to my liking :P

MInTheGap said...

I had two thoughts here:
1. We just found bugs in our flour and they'd infested a whole cabinet.
2. My boys would like these pics.

I posted my TT under Peter Plum at VeggieTales Review.

She Became a Butterfly said...

that was the scariest tt i've ever viewed!!!!!


Nicole said...

Awwww thanks Diane! He's cute hey?! I just feel bad for the other guy...

By the way, thanks for always leaving comments on my blog! Everytime I see a comment from you I get all excited and happy. You rock! You really do!

Jenny said...

Interesting list, however the only one I'd be ok with is the ladybug. :) I'm such a girl when it comes to insects and such. Happy TT!

Jen said...

Awesome pics although the Spider one scared me :( I dont mind bugs but Spiders are just eh creepy lol but really good pics Diane.

CrossView said...

Those are some awesome pictures!