Wednesday, July 9, 2008



Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Those are beautiful!! Aren't sunflowers just fun? :D

sobeit said... the detail!


CK Ng said...

I love sunflowers! Happy WW! :)

Di said...

Thanks! I thought that was the strangest bee. He could barely move and his legs looked really fat. Once I looked at the picture I realized it was because he had pollen practicaly covering his legs.

Nicole said...

Are those sunflowers in your yard? Very pretty!

MSM said...

Oh, I love the photographs AND the flowers - are they in your yard?

Jaded said...

haha! nicole agrees with me that you're mean to me! haha

Di said...

Yes, they are in my yard. I planted them in the spring. Sunflowers are my favorite flower.

Jade, you're still a snot.

tonya said...

very well done!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! Aren't sunflowers gorgeous?!
Have a great day!!

Nicole said...

what kind of sunflowers are those anyways? There are tons of different kinds out there. You're lucky that you have a place to grow flowers! We hope to have potted ones in our next place. It is so plain and boring without pretty flowers around.

Di said...

Nicole, I think it was just a variety pack of seeds.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great photos!

Happy WW!

Lori said...

Wow....thats beautiful. Did you take it yourself?? Happy WW my friend. Thanks for stopping by:)

maiylah said...

what lovely shots!!

Anonymous said...

I like sunflowers, too. I'm not so crazy about bees (but I, too, like to take pictures of them 'doing their thing' collecting pollen from flowers.

Thanks for stopping by my blog for Wordless Wednesday.
